A Look Backward and Forward
A Look Backward and Forward
By Barbara Titanish
A Look Backward and Forward for H.O.P.E.A few years ago I discovered Suzy Toronto’s writings, so I decided to use a few of Suzy’s “Wonderful Wacky Words of Wisdom” to look back on 2016 and earlier and forward to 2017.
REACH OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Years ago when Jen mentioned starting something that has become H.O.P.E., that was definitely outside my comfort zone. I didn’t have the confidence it took to organize this but because of the encouragement and assistance from so many, H.O.P.E. is here. And beyond anything Jen and I could have visualized. If we hadn’t reached outside our comfort zones the thousands of patients we’ve served over the years would not have had their lives helped in so many ways.
COLOR OUTSIDE THE LINES. We at H.O.P.E. think outside the box by helping not just the patient but the entire family. Because cancer affects the entire family. We try to help with every family member’s needs, the most basic of which is food. Our pantry is overflowing with not just canned goods but frozen meats and dinners prepared by volunteers, as well as paper goods and hygiene products. These are available to families even after they no longer need our cancer services. Kids Under Construction is a group for children who are living with a cancer patient; through this we bring together vulnerable kids who can relate to and have fun with others in their position.
READ GOOD BOOKS. When people are diagnosed with cancer they often feel as if their power is taken away. One of the first things we did at H.O.P.E. was establish a library to help give the power back to the patients, because knowledge is power. We have a wonderful, up-to-date series 100 Questions and Answers About Cancer that helps the patients understand their cancer and know what to ask. But that’s just the tip of our library iceberg. We have books that are humorous, books that provide inspiration, books for young children, even books for teens.
BELIEVE THAT YOUR FUTURE DOES NOT LIE AHEAD OF YOU; IT LIES DEEP INSIDE OF YOU. So many patients say they just can’t handle this. However, when they reach deep inside they realize just how strong they are. We are here to help them find that strength and courage through the support we give. Appearance is fundamental, and we help women get confidence in their appearance through hats, wigs, and scarves. Our various support groups provide a safe forum where our patients can learn from speakers and share their own frustrations and successes. Our volunteers will always take time out to listen and offer words of encouragement when a patient drops by the office just looking for someone to listen.
STAY FOCUSED….YOU ONLY SEE OBSTACLES WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE GOAL. We help take away many of our families’ day-to-day worries with the use of the pantry, gifts of gas and grocery cards, even transportation to and from appointments. We take care of back-to-school shopping for the students; this past year we provided filled book bags for more than 70 kids, gave each one $75 for clothes, and provided foods for breakfast and lunch. Thanksgiving dinner is on us, the turkey and all the trimmings, and we fulfill children’s specific Christmas wishes—this year 143 families received gifts galore.
DEVELOP AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. H.O.P.E. would not be here if it were not for the thousands of wonderful volunteers, donors, and supporters who have assisted in all our fundraising events like bingos, bull roasts, back-to-school and Christmas drives, pantry donations, golf tournaments, and other special events over the past 22 years. They are the gift that keeps on giving.
MAKE YOUR LIFE AND ACTIONS A STORY WORTH TELLING. Twelve years ago we developed our spring gala, Voices for Hope, so we could do just that. Through the Scott Brown Seeds of Hope Award we celebrate a person in our community who has made a huge contribution to our organization and patients. The Voices event brings together many of our H.O.P.E. family in an evening of wonderful food and inspiring words.
ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING FABULOUSLY AMAZING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. For years I have talked about the dream of a vacation from cancer retreat. Well folks, we signed a contract this past year for 49 acres of land. Despite the naysayers who said they didn’t see the need we continued to dream, and after years of searching we were shown the perfect place, practically in our backyard. So look out 2017, H.O.P.E. is going to get even bigger and better.
This article is reprinted from H.O.P.E. Lifeline (January, 2017) – monthly newsletter distributed by H.O.P.E. Click here to view the full newsletter. If you would like to receive the newsletter by e-mail each month, you may subscribe today (no cost or obligation and you may unsubscribe at any time).